Sunday, 17 June 2018

Biochar Stoves Bangladesh

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pottery Shards and Fish bones

Pottery shards are numerous, as many people still use pots for all purposes including cooking. The pottery shards generated as garbage are reaching the soils and adding great value.

Fish is the most common thing for every Bengali to eat. The numerious fish bones generated as waste is also added to the soils. Almost in every hotel non-veg is served, and eating non-veg is very common in Bangladesh, all the bones generated as garbage also gets added to the soil. The biochar and plus (bones / pottery shards / ash / compost / etc.) are adding great value to the soils. As the rainfall is high majority of soils in Bangladesh are acidic. The ash is adding value to the soils in increasing PH towards neutral. Ash is sprinkled on many plants as insecticide / to repel.

Useful Products from Stoves

Biochar and ash is a byproduct from many traditional stoves
The ash and biochar is added to the compost and then reaches to the fields

Also used traditionally for cleaning teeth.

Ash and biochar used for cleaning utensils too.

Added along with pottery shards to the Farm yard manure dump

The grass is stored above the dump of ash and biochar, to repel and save the fodder from termites.

Smoke from stoves a common scene.

Stoves created from scrap

This stove created using the compressor of a refrigerator and other pieces of iron rods from scrap is very interesting and available in many parts of Bangladesh. Reuse is the best concept. This is a kerosene pump (pressure) stove

Good Stoves in Bangladesh

These stoves are good stoves among the existing traditional stoves as per the community, who made it and using.

Biomass fuel - Wide range

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

How do we make a Good stove which can burn these many types of biomass in use?

Institutional Stoves

The rice saw dust powder is used in many instances for institutional cooking. Daily the stoves are prepared daily twice.
Traditional stoves in Bangladesh has large pot rest gaps, where heat and fire is lost, making the stoves less effective. The only reason for having such large gaps is for throwing in cow-dung balls, other loose biomass and sticks.

Many stoves are portable, seen here a women selling steamed food in a local shandy.

From Biochar_Goodstoves_Bangladesh_workshop_1

Floods are most common in many parts of Bangladesh, many houses are found standing over water, in such areas almost all the stoves are portable, made on baskets, old buckets, etc.

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